Power Tools 1993 November - Disc 2
Power Tools Plus (Disc 2 of 2)(November 1993)(HP).iso
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Retai∞ Industr∙ Marketing/H╨ OpenSTOR┼ Presentatioε Novembe≥ 199░ ¡ Retai∞ ì
Industr∙ Marketinτ Custome≥ Presentatioε fo≥ HP'≤ Opeε System≤ baseΣ storσ ì
automatioε solutioε fo≥ largσ retai∞ chains« Thi≤ presentatioε introduceΣ H╨ ì
OpenSTOR┼ t∩ thσ retai∞ industr∙ a⌠ thσ 199░ Riscoε conference« ReviseΣ 06/92« ì
Introduction Slide
¬ T∩ se⌠ thσ stagσ fo≥ thσ presentatioε oµ HP'≤ storσ automatioε strateg∙ ì
áááááábased on Open Systems: HP OpenSTORE
The State of Retailing Today
* To discuss key issues facing retailers in '90s
* To provide credibility re: our understanding of retail issues
Note: Optional slide if time is limited or highly technical audience
Key Points:
¬ CharacterizeΣ b∙ aε over-storeΣ marke⌠ wherσ therσ i≤ morσ similarit∙ iε ì
ááááááretail formats among competitors than meaningful differentiation.
¬ Custome≥ service¼ whicΦ i≤ onσ wa∙ oµ meaningfull∙ differentiatinτ ì
ááááááyourself in this market, has received poor or little attention.
¬ A≤ ß resul⌠ therσ i≤ ß wideninτ performancσ ga≡ betweeε thosσ retailer≤ ì
áááááátha⌠ havσ dominan⌠ and/o≥ growinτ marke⌠ sharσ anΣ thosσ tha⌠ arσ losinτ ì
Accordinτ t∩ Managemen⌠ Horizon≤ iε thei≥ Retailinτ 200░ Report¼ b∙ thσ enΣ oµ ì
thi≤ decade¼ morσ thaε halµ oµ today'≤ retailer≤ wil∞ bσ ou⌠ oµ business« "Ho≈ ì
caε storσ automatioε hel≡ addres≤ custome≥ servicσ anΣ othe≥ area≤ oµ thσ ì
busines≤ s∩ a≤ t∩ builΣ competitivσ advantagσ anΣ ensurσ viabilit∙ beyonΣ thσ ì
end of this decade?" That is the issue today.
Why Store Automation:
* To describe the purpose of store automation
* To establish credibility
Key Points:
Business purpose of store automation:
* Maximizing each stores performance.
* Optimizing operating expenses.
* Increasing same store sales.
Expanding Role of Technology in Retail
Optional if time is limited or audience is highly technical
* To provide a historical perspective
* To demonstrate retail knowledge
Key Points:
¬ Iε thσ '80≤ majo≥ stride≤ werσ madσ iε cos⌠ anΣ operatinτ efficiencie≤ ì
ááááááthrougΦ scanninτ technolog∙ applieΣ botΦ a⌠ thσ front-end/check-ou⌠ anΣ ì
ááááááback-end of the store receiving merchandise.
¬ Iε thσ '90s¼ ne≈ marketinτ anΣ sellinτ system≤ wil∞ hel≡ t∩ improvσ ì
áááááácustomer service and build store loyalty.
¬ Thσ surfacσ i≤ jus⌠ beinτ scratcheΣ witΦ respec⌠ t∩ ho≈ workstatioε ì
áááááátechnology can bring those capabilities to the customer.
ááááááááááááSome examples include:
áááááááááááá* frequent shopper programs
áááááááááááá* customer assisted shopping, such as
ááááááááááááááááááa) portable point-of-sale systems based on broad
áááááááááááááááááááááspectrum radio frequency technology which will allow
áááááááááááááááááááááthe salesperson to walk the selling floor with
áááááááááááááááááááááaccess to information about a customer's previous
ááááááááááááááááááááápurchases and hence provide customized support, and
ááááááááááááááááááb) customer workstations that help educate shoppers
ááááááááááááááááááááásuch as pharmacy kiosks, and assist in merchandise
áááááááááááááááááááááselection such as kitchen/deck design found in home
áááááááááááááááááááááimprovement centers.
Conventional Approach to Store Automation
* To provide a retail historical perspective
* To establish credibility
Key Points:
Historically, there are four ways that store automation has been approached:
¬ ThrougΦ ß proprietar∙ mainframe-baseΣ applicatioε wherσ thσ processinτ ì
ááááááoccur≤ a⌠ ß remotσ locatioε ¡ typicall∙ bacδ a⌠ thσ homσ officσ ¡ witΦ ì
ááááááremote terminal connectivity or access at the store level. (upper left)
¬ ThrougΦ PC-baseΣ application≤ wherσ ß singlσ applicatioε i≤ automateΣ ì
áááááásuch as pharmacy or video rental. (lower left)
¬ ThrougΦ point-of-salσ system≤ ¡ ver∙ commoε toda∙ anΣ increasingl∙ morσ ì
áááááásophisticated. (upper right)
¬ AnΣ througΦ proprietary¼ minicomputer-baseΣ application≤ tha⌠ providσ ì
áááááálocal processing of multiple applications. (lower right)
Mos⌠ retailer≤ havσ somσ combinatioε oµ thesσ fou≥ and¼ iε somσ cases¼ al∞ fou≥ ì
are used in combination. The major drawbacks to these approaches are:
1« The∙ arσ baseΣ oε proprietar∙ system≤ whicΦ offe≥ limiteΣ flexibilit∙ t∩ ì
ááááááámigrate applications to new technologies.
2« Thi≤ environmen⌠ i≤ extremel∙ difficul⌠ t∩ integrate« Iε effect¼ wha⌠ ì
áááááááexist≤ arσ non-integrateΣ island≤ oµ automation« Thσ abilit∙ t∩ ì
ááááááácollectivel∙ usσ thesσ system≤ t∩ achievσ thσ overal∞ busines≤ purposσ ì
áááááááof the store is severely limited.
Ten Key Business Requirements for Store Automation in the '90s
* To educate the customer about Open Systems.
* If the customer is OK on Open Systems, briefly review these points.
Special Note:
Thesσ ke∙ busines≤ requirement≤ havσ beeε compileΣ froφ man∙ custome≥ ì
interviews« Usσ thesσ point≤ t∩ elici⌠ ß discussioε oµ thei≥ priorities¼ ì
critical success factors, etc.
Key Points:
Thσ busines≤ requirement≤ fo≥ storσ automatioε iε thσ '90≤ contras⌠ sharpl∙ ì
witΦ thσ conventiona∞ approache≤ wσ jus⌠ examined« AnΣ the∙ reall∙ fal∞ int∩ ì
three categories:
* Business requirements
* Technical requirements
* People-related requirements
Thσ ke∙ requirement≤ fo≥ storσ automatioε tha⌠ we'vσ compileΣ froφ man∙ oµ ou≥ ì
customers are:
1« Aε environmen⌠ baseΣ oε standards-baseΣ computinτ ¡ no⌠ oε proprietar∙ ì
2« ┴ strateg∙ fo≥ gettinτ t∩ aε opeε environment« Fo≥ companie≤ tha⌠ havσ ì
áááááááalread∙ madσ ß sizeablσ investmen⌠ iε proprietar∙ systems¼ ß wa∙ t∩ ì
ááááááámigratσ thosσ existinτ application≤ t∩ aε opeε environmen⌠ i≤ critical« ì
ááááááá┴ futurσ migratioε patΦ t∩ ne≈ successivσ generation≤ oµ technolog∙ iε ß ì
ááááááánon-disruptive and cos t-effective manner is also extremely important.
3« Thσ abilit∙ t∩ providσ integratioε botΦ withiε thσ store¼ a≤ wel∞ a≤ ì
áááááááenterprise wide.
4« Thσ abilit∙ t∩ easil∙ anΣ cost-effectivel∙ integratσ application≤ ì
ááááááásourced from multiple vendors.
5« Cos⌠ oµ ownershi≡ anΣ pricσ performancσ havσ alway≤ been¼ anΣ wil∞ ì
ááááááácontinuσ t∩ be¼ ke∙ busines≤ issues« Toda∙ especially¼ iε thσ UNI╪ ì
áááááááenvironment¼ unprecedenteΣ price/performancσ point≤ havσ beeε reacheΣ ì
áááááááand that is continuing.
ááááááᬠCos⌠ oµ ownershi≡ i≤ beinτ measureΣ iε differen⌠ ways« No⌠ onl∙ ì
áááááááááááthσ cos⌠ oµ thσ systeφ mus⌠ bσ ß consideration¼ bu⌠ als∩ thσ cos⌠ ì
áááááááááááoµ expandinτ thσ platforφ t∩ aΣ equatel∙ suppor⌠ ß growinτ ì
áááááááááááapplication suite.
6« Superio≥ platforφ qualit∙ anΣ highl∙ availablσ system≤ arσ key« A≤ morσ ì
áááááááapplication≤ arσ placeΣ a⌠ thσ storσ level¼ storσ system≤ arσ goinτ t∩ ì
áááááááhavσ t∩ shoulde≥ aε increasinτ burdeε anΣ thσ abilit∙ oµ thosσ system≤ ì
áááááááto support 99.9 percent uptime needs to be there.
7« Thσ abilit∙ t∩ havσ ß powerful¼ ye⌠ intuitivσ interfacσ tha⌠ facilitate≤ ì
áááááááthσ learning/traininτ proces≤ anΣ a⌠ firs⌠ glancσ make≤ i⌠ eas∙ t∩ usσ ì
áááááááthesσ ne≈ tool≤ anΣ application≤ i≤ oµ critica∞ importance« Whereve≥ ì
ááááááátechnolog∙ i≤ implemented¼ sensitivit∙ t∩ thσ user≤ abilitie≤ anΣ need≤ ì
áááááááis critical.
8« Havinτ ß breadtΦ oµ store-specifiπ application≤ availablσ i≤ important« ì
áááááááStore-specifiπ solution≤ improvσ responsivenes≤ anΣ hel≡ t∩ achievσ ì
ááááááástore automation more cost effectively.
9« WitΦ hundred≤ oµ geographicall∙ disperseΣ stores¼ extensivσ suppor⌠ ì
ááááááácapability is critical.
10« ┴ truσ implementatioε partnershi≡ i≤ needeΣ t∩ managσ large-scalσ storσ ì
áááááááimplementation complexity.
HP OpenSTORE: A comprehensive store automation solution
* To describe and set the stage for what HP OpenSTORE is all about
Key Points:
¬ H╨ OpenSTOR┼ i≤ baseΣ oε opeε systems¼ no⌠ proprietar∙ systems¼ anΣ i⌠ ì
ááááááis comprehensive in its scope.
¬ Al∞ oµ thσ busines≤ requirement≤ tha⌠ werσ jus⌠ mentioneΣ neeΣ t∩ bσ ì
ááááááaddressed by a store automation solution.
* Retailers are beginning to recognize the benefits of Open Systems.
Why Open Systems?
Optional if further Open Systems information is unnecessary.
* To build up credibility in open systems
Key Points:
¬ N∩ onσ vendo≥ caε adequatel∙ addres≤ al∞ oµ you≥ automatioε requirements« ì
ááááááNo≥ woulΣ yo⌡ eveε wan⌠ t∩ usσ jus⌠ onσ vendo≥ fo≥ ß variet∙ oµ busines≤ ì
¬ Opeε system≤ mean≤ ß vendor-neutra∞ corσ wherσ softwarσ portabilit∙ i≤ ì
áááááásupported across multiple vendors and platforms.
¬ Opeε system≤ provide≤ unprecedenteΣ investmen⌠ protectioε a≤ i⌠ offer≤ ß ì
áááááápatΦ t∩ futurσ generation≤ oµ technolog∙ anΣ ß widσ breadtΦ oµ platforφ ì
ááááááscalability from the PC to the mainframe.
¬ Man∙ vendor≤ offe≥ a⌠ leas⌠ somσ leve∞ oµ UNIX-baseΣ computing« ì
ááááááTherefore¼ competitivσ pressure≤ forcσ bette≥ price/performancσ relativσ ì
ááááááto proprietary systems.
* Open systems offer a lot of value.
HP OpenSTORE; Cast of Characters
This slide can be used either before or after Slide 10.
* To describe the devices typical in a store environment
Key Points:
¬ Maiε applicatioε server¼ sometimeΣ referreΣ t∩ a≤ thσ maiε in-storσ ì
¬ Secondar∙ applicatioε serve≥ ma∙ bσ required¼ dependinτ oε thσ ì
ááááááapplication≤ installeΣ a⌠ thσ storσ level¼ anΣ thσ sizσ anΣ forma⌠ oµ thσ ì
¬ Storσ manage≥ workstation║ ┴ workstatioε tha⌠ woulΣ suppor⌠ EI╙ ì
ááááááworkbench-type applications.
¬ Merchandisσ manage≥ workstation║ ┴ workstatioε useΣ eithe≥ a⌠ thσ storσ ì
ááááááor corporate level to support buyer/merchandiser applications.
¬ Custome≥ servicσ workstation║ ┴ workstatioε useΣ fo≥ workstation-baseΣ ì
áááááásystem≤ tha⌠ ma∙ neeΣ t∩ ruε independen⌠ oµ thσ in-storσ processor« ì
ááááááExample≤ oµ thi≤ arσ custome≥ desigε planning¼ gif⌠ registry¼ pharmacy¼ ì
áááááávideo rental, photo processing.
(Devices are self-explanatory)
HP OpenSTORE; Architecture
¬ T∩ providσ ß roaΣ map¼ ß vision¼ oµ thσ potentia∞ fo≥ in¡ storσ ì
ááááááprocessing« No⌠ al∞ oµ thσ function≤ anΣ application≤ depicteΣ herσ ì
ááááááwill necessarily apply to your customer.
Key Points:
¬ H╨ OpenSTOR┼ represent≤ ß ne≈ paradigφ iε storσ computing« A⌠ it≤ ì
áááááácorσ i≤ aε integrateΣ storσ networδ oµ multiplσ servers¼ workstations¼ ì
ááááááanΣ point-of-salσ terminals¼ witΦ connectivit∙ througΦ ß singlσ gatewa∙ ì
ááááááout of the store.
¬ Morσ thaε jus⌠ anothe≥ distributeΣ computinτ environment¼ H╨ OpenSTOR┼ ì
ááááááembraces client/server computing.
Servers include:
* a main application server and in some cases,
* specialty servers.
¬ Thσ maiε applicatioε server¼ traditionall∙ referreΣ t∩ iε ß generiπ sensσ ì
ááááááas an in-store processor, has evolved considerably in its function.
The main server:
* Provides traditional application processing function.
* Provides radio interface to portable devices.
* Acts as the network gateway.
* Provides network-wide administration.
¬ Provide≤ suppor⌠ fo≥ critica∞ application≤ tha⌠ mus⌠ bσ isolateΣ froφ ì
áááááámucΦ oµ thσ administrativσ processinτ tha⌠ take≤ placσ oε thσ maiε ì
ááááááapplicatioε server¼ anΣ als∩ froφ thσ point-of-salσ server≤ tha⌠ providσ ì
ááááááprice look-up and transaction logging.
Whilσ server≤ arσ no⌠ ne≈ t∩ thσ storσ environment¼ thei≥ interoperabilit∙ ì
certainly is. Examples of this are video rental and pharmacy.
¬ ┴ mucΦ newe≥ additioε t∩ thσ storσ environmen⌠ i≤ workstations« ì
ááááááWorkstations are being implemented in 3 ways.
áááááá1« T∩ suppor⌠ storσ managemen⌠ function≤ sucΦ a≤ ß storσ manage≥ ì
ááááááááááworkbencΦ wherσ thσ analytica∞ tool≤ exis⌠ t∩ hel≡ storσ managemen⌠ ì
ááááááááááexamine metrics reflecting store performance.
áááááá2« T∩ suppor⌠ movemen⌠ oµ thσ suppl∙ sidσ function≤ dowε t∩ thσ storσ ì
áááááááááálevel╗ merchandisinτ workstation≤ suppor⌠ storσ leve∞ merchandisσ ì
áááááá3« T∩ addres≤ thσ servicσ issue≤ anΣ t∩ providσ thσ deliver∙ vehiclσ t∩ ì
ááááááááááimplemen⌠ ne≈ marketinτ anΣ sellinτ program≤ witΦ custome≥ ì
ááááááááááworkstations« ì
Thi≤ i≤ wherσ client/serve≥ computinτ woulΣ bσ implementeΣ ¡ ¡ a⌠ thσ storσ ì
leve∞ -¡ Wherσ yo⌡ havσ application≤ tha⌠ arσ beinτ processeΣ botΦ iε ß ì
diskles≤ workstation¼ perhap≤ witΦ ß touchscreeε interface¼ a≤ wel∞ a≤ beinτ ì
processeΣ a⌠ thσ serve≥ level« Thσ application≤ runninτ oε thesσ workstation≤ ì
havσ acces≤ t∩ resource≤ anΣ informatioε regardles≤ oµ wherσ oε thσ networδ i⌠ ì
HP OpenSTORE; Open Systems Architecture
Purpose║ ì
¬ T∩ providσ ß graphica∞ illustratioε oµ ho≈ "piece≤ oµ thσ puzzleó oµ ì
áááááástore automation actually fit together
Key Points:
* The pieces in blue (bold text) are what HP provides.
¬ Thσ piece≤ iε blacδ (italiπ text⌐ arσ wha⌠ ou≥ H╨ OpenSTOR┼ partner≤ ì
UNIX Requirements for Store Automation
¬ T∩ providσ additiona∞ emphasi≤ oε UNIX¼ iµ thσ presentatioε i≤ t∩ ß morσ ì
áááááátechnical audience
Key Points:
* UNIX did not start as a commercial operating system.
¬ UNI╪ gre≈ ou⌠ oµ thσ technica∞ world¼ mostl∙ iε ß workstatioε ì
¬ T∩ makσ UNI╪ worδ iε thσ commercia∞ environment¼ anΣ certainl∙ iε thσ ì
áááááástorσ environmen⌠ tha⌠ represent≤ somσ ver∙ demandinτ capabilitie≤ fo≥ ì
áááááácommercial processing, three key questions need to be addressed by UNIX.
The three questions are:
1. Can I run my business on this platform?
áááááááThi≤ require≤ ß UNI╪ platforφ tha⌠ offer≤ outstandinτ ì
áááááááquality/reliability¼ datß integrity¼ security¼ anΣ systeφ availabilit∙ ì
áááááááfound in commercial systems.
2« Doe≤ thσ hardwarσ platforφ offe≥ sufficien⌠ performance┐ No⌠ jus⌠ iε ì
áááááááterm≤ oµ ra≈ MIP≤ a⌠ thσ chi≡ level¼ bu⌠ ha≤ i⌠ beeε optimizeΣ fo≥ thσ ì
ááááááácommercial transaction environment?
3. Does this hardware platform deliver the necessary tools and solutions?
ááááááááááááDoes it provide:
áááááááááááá* the data center environment
áááááááááááá* the system & network administration
áááááááááááá* the CASE environments
áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá...that you need?
HP OpenSTORE; Architecture/Technology Layer
* To introduce the 1st layer of HP OpenSTORE, the technology layer
Key Points:
¬ Thσ foundatioε oµ thσ H╨ OpenSTOR┼ architecturσ i≤ HP'≤ broaΣ famil∙ oµ ì
ááááááUNIX computers and products.
HP OpenSTORE; Technology Layer - Store Server Platforms
* To describe and illustrate HP's broad family of UNIX products
* To illustrate how HP can provide a server for every need & size of store
¬ Bσ surσ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε explaiε RIS├ anΣ CIS├ iε clea≥ term≤ tha⌠ describσ ì
ááááááthe benefits of each.
Key Points:
Platform requirements for store automation include:
1« Beinτ ablσ t∩ choosσ thσ righ⌠ price/performancσ platforφ t∩ mee⌠ tha⌠ ì
áááááááspecific set of applications and
2« Thσ abilit∙ t∩ cos⌠ effectivel∙ expanΣ platform≤ a≤ busines≤ demand≤ ì
ááááááádictate is crucial for store automation.
Broad Range of Systems
¬ H╨ offer≤ thσ broades⌠ rangσ oµ UNI╪ in-storσ system≤ platform≤ iε thσ ì
ááááááindustr∙ today« Froφ point-of-salσ server≤ oε thσ lo≈ enΣ t∩ ver∙ ì
áááááálarge-forma⌠ storσ server≤ suitablσ fo≥ hypermarke⌠ retailer≤ oε thσ higΦ ì
ááááááend¼ H╨ storσ system≤ mee⌠ thσ need≤ oµ small-forma⌠ anΣ large¡ forma⌠ ì
áááááᬠIε betweeε thosσ tw∩ extremσ point≤ arσ smal∞ format/departmenta∞ ì
áááááááááservers appropriate for convenience stores and fast-food chains.
áááááᬠSmal∞ server≤ caε als∩ ac⌠ a≤ pharmac∙ o≥ vide∩ renta∞ server≤ fo≥ ì
ááááááááálarger stores.
¬ Thσ large-forma⌠ storσ environment¼ whethe≥ homσ improvemen⌠ centers¼ ì
áááááágrocer∙ stores¼ mas≤ merchandisers¼ o≥ warehousσ membershi≡ club≤ ha≤ ß ì
áááááádifferent set of price/performance requirements.
áááááᬠThσ ke∙ i≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε star⌠ witΦ ß storσ serve≥ anΣ gro≈ a⌠ ß pacσ ì
ááááááááádictateΣ b∙ you≥ applicatioε requirement≤ ove≥ man∙ year≤ t∩ ß systeφ ì
áááááááááwitΦ ß simplσ boarΣ upgradσ tha⌠ arσ objec⌠ codσ compatiblσ anΣ non¡ ì
ááááááááádisruptivσ t∩ storσ operations¼ offerinτ tremendou≤ investmen⌠ ì
áááááááááprotection« Thi≤ i≤ extremel∙ importan⌠ becausσ i⌠ i≤ onσ thinτ t∩ ì
áááááááááinstal∞ 30░ o≥ morσ system≤ anΣ i⌠ i≤ anothe≥ thinτ t∩ havσ t∩ g∩ bacδ ì
ááááááááásomσ year≤ late≥ anΣ havσ t∩ upgradσ ever∙ onσ oµ thosσ storσ systems« ì
¬ H╨ provide≤ end-to-enΣ source-codσ compatibilit∙ al∞ thσ wa∙ froφ thσ ì
áááááálow-end point-of-sale servers up through a high-end 100+ TPS system.
¬ Thi≤ rangσ oµ system≤ i≤ baseΣ oε botΦ CIS├ anΣ RIS├ computing« RIS├ ì
áááááácomputinτ give≤ yo⌡ thσ bigges⌠ banτ fo≥ you≥ bucδ froφ thσ mediuφ t∩ thσ ì
ááááááhigΦ enΣ anΣ CIS├ processor≤ stil∞ givσ yo⌡ thσ bigges⌠ banτ fo≥ you≥ ì
áááááábucδ oε thσ lo≈ end« H╨ offer≤ botΦ set≤ oµ technologie≤ iε orde≥ t∩ ì
ááááááchoosσ thσ bes⌠ price/performancσ poin⌠ regardles≤ oµ wherσ yo⌡ arσ iε ì
ááááááthis spectrum of computing.
The HP 9000 Business Server Family
* Alternate to Slide 13
¬ Thσ mos⌠ curren⌠ versioε oµ thi≤ slidσ i≤ availablσ througΦ thσ GS┘ Slidσ ì
ááááááHotline on HPDesk.
HP OpenSTORE; Technology Layer - OmniBack
* To describe OmniBack
¬ Bσ surσ yo⌡ caε explaiε OmniBacδ iµ presentatioε i≤ t∩ ß technica∞ ì
Key Points:
Thσ nex⌠ fe≈ slide≤ discus≤ ß fe≈ oµ thσ product≤ tha⌠ H╨ provide≤ t∩ assis⌠ iε ì
managing these multiple systems as a simple resource:
First, OmniBack:
¬ OmniBacδ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ takσ you≥ maiε applicatioε server¼ o≥ an∙ nodσ ì
áááááátha⌠ yo⌡ specif∙ oε thσ network¼ anΣ usσ tha⌠ onσ nodσ t∩ providσ ì
áááááánetwork-wide systems administration and backup.
¬ Iµ yo⌡ arσ usinτ ß DA╘ uni⌠ (EXPLAIN⌐ whicΦ wil∞ givσ yo⌡ ▒ t∩ ▓ ì
áááááágigabyte≤ oµ backu≡ storage¼ yo⌡ caε achievσ thi≤ iε ß completel∙ ì
ááááááunattendeΣ environment« Takinτ ß ver∙ difficul⌠ probleφ resultinτ froφ ß ì
ááááááproliferatioε oµ system≤ iε thσ storσ anΣ managinτ i⌠ effectivel∙ become≤ ì
áááááámuch easier with OmniBack.
HP OpenSTORE; Technology Layer - Graphical User Interface
* To explain GUIs and HP VUE
Key Points:
H╨ VU┼ i≤ ß graphica∞ use≥ interfacσ tha⌠ i≤ buil⌠ oε anΣ conform≤ t∩ ì
X-Windows« H╨ VU┼ take≤ man∙ oµ thσ capabilitie≤ oµ H╨ NewWavσ (whicΦ i≤ Motiµ ì
compliant⌐ anΣ bring≤ tha⌠ int∩ thσ UNI╪ world¼ offerinτ unprecedenteΣ easσ oµ ì
* Be prepared to explain X-Windows and "Motif compliant".
HP VUE offers:
¬ 3─ button≤ whicΦ managσ workspaces¼ periphera∞ anΣ softwarσ access¼ anΣ ì
ááááááon-screen help.
¬ Acces≤ t∩ informatioε anywherσ oε thσ network« H╨ NewWavσ take≤ VU┼ ß ì
ááááááste≡ furthe≥ b∙ addinτ agen⌠ capabilitie≤ whicΦ automatσ completσ script≤ ì
ááááááand functions to minimize the number of steps required by the user.
¬ Iε addition¼ H╨ NewWavσ provide≤ aε excellen⌠ environmen⌠ fo≥ ß storσ ì
áááááámanager workbench.
¬ H╨ VU┼ create≤ aε easy-to-use¼ easy-to-learε environmen⌠ fo≥ thσ mos⌠ ì
ááááááinexperienceΣ use≥ -¡ ß critica∞ concerε wheε companie≤ arσ movinτ t∩ ß ì
ááááááhighly automated environment.
HP OpenSTORE; Architecture/Application Layer
¬ T∩ se⌠ thσ stagσ fo≥ thσ nex⌠ laye≥ oµ H╨ OpenSTORE¼ thσ applicatioε ì
Key Points:
* Technology alone does not solve business problems.
* The applications that sit on top of them do.
Store Applications Framework
* To provide an understanding of applications possible at store level
Key Points:
Thσ H╨ OpenSTOR┼ architecturσ ha≤ divideΣ storσ leve∞ application≤ int∩ fou≥ ì
* Store Management/Administration
* The Stockroom
* Sales
* Customer Service
Special Note:
¬ Sho≈ thi≤ slidσ t∩ illustratσ tha⌠ H╨ understand≤ tha⌠ therσ arσ man∙ ì
áááááápotential store applications.
HP OpenSTORE; Store Applications Framework
* To show the breadth of HP solutions available for store processing
¬ Application≤ continuσ t∩ increasσ fo≥ thσ storσ environment¼ s∩ thi≤ ì
ááááááslide could look quite a bit different even 1 month from now.
* Refer to Slide 24 for some specific VAB names.
Special Note:
¬ Thσ nex⌠ slidσ show≤ thosσ application≤ fo≥ whicΦ H╨ currentl∙ ha≤ ì
* You need to decide if you want or need to show both.
Key Points:
¬ Thσ bolΣ application≤ includσ thosσ tha⌠ mus⌠ residσ oε ß workstation« ì
ááááááThe others would more likely reside on a server.
HP Store Applications
¬ T∩ sho≈ thσ breadtΦ oµ H╨ solution≤ availablσ fo≥ storσ processing¼ witΦ ì
ááááááspecific VAB names
Retail Applications Framework; Key Solutions
* Optional solution slide
* To show a different view of HP's solution partners
HP OpenSTORE; Architecture/Integration Layer
¬ T∩ se⌠ thσ stagσ fo≥ thσ nex⌠ laye≥ oµ H╨ OpenSTORE¼ thσ integratioε ì
* To describe the importance of integration
Key Points:
* Integration has traditionally been the biggest challenge to overcome.
¬ Integratioε i≤ thσ bigges⌠ challengσ becausσ oµ thσ risδ anΣ cos⌠ ì
¬ I⌠ i≤ crucia∞ tha⌠ application≤ tiσ together¼ anΣ worδ a≤ onσ seamles≤ ì
HP OpenSTORE; POS Integration Scenario 1
* To describe POS integration in a large-format environment
Key Points:
¬ Communication¼ iε thi≤ scenario¼ take≤ placσ betweeε thσ IS╨ anΣ PO╙ ì
* No LAN requirement.
* POS systems maintain independence.
¬ Bo° indicate≤ severa∞ oµ thσ PO╙ device≤ supporteΣ iε thi≤ typσ oµ ì
* PSI provides this type of integration.
HP OpenSTORE; POS Integration Scenario 2
¬ T∩ describσ PO╙ integratioε wherσ PO╙ device≤ connec⌠ directl∙ t∩ thσ ì
ááááááISP/POS Controller ("collapsed" as one device).
¬ Thi≤ scenari∩ shoulΣ bσ useΣ fo≥ small-format¼ specialt∙ storσ ì
Key Points:
¬ IS╨ actinτ a≤ UNIX-baseΣ PO╙ controlle≥ whicΦ offer≤ mos⌠ effectivσ ì
* UNIX-based POS application environment.
* Box indicates devices supported in this configuration.
* Techpoint provides this type of integration.
* PSI provides this type of integration.
HP OpenSTORE; Small-Format Store View
* To describe a configuration for small-format stores
Key Points:
* Point-of-sale device/POS controller are combined.
* Innovative Electronics can provide this solution.
HP OpenSTORE; POS Integration Scenario 3
* To describe POS integration that is LAN based
Key Points:
* ISP has seamless data and application integration with POS in real time.
* HP supports multivendor POS environment.
* POS application development is vendor independent.
* Boxes describe devices supported in this type of configuration.
* PSI can provide this type of integration.
OpenSTORE; Headquarters View
¬ Storσ Automatioε iε no⌠ implementeΣ iε ß vacuum¼ storσ automatioε i≤ ì
áááááádependent on HQ integration as well.
Key Points:
Becausσ store≤ mus⌠ interfacσ witΦ thσ corporatσ office≤ througΦ aε enterprisσ ì
network¼ thi≤ illustrate≤ aε ideß oµ wha⌠ thσ H╤ vie≈ coulΣ looδ like« ┴ fe≈ ì
oµ thσ application≤ tha⌠ woulΣ residσ a⌠ thσ headquarter≤ offices¼ anΣ woulΣ ì
connect with the stores include:
* Network management
* An HQ-based application such as Help Desk running on X-Windows terminals
¬ PO╙ pollinτ server≤ connecteΣ t∩ thσ H╤ network¼ whicΦ iε turn¼ connec⌠ ì
ááááááto the store network
HP OpenSTORE; Integration Layer - Integration Products & Services
* To describe the complexity of integration
* To describe levels and types of integration
Key Points:
* Integration encompasses both products and services.
* In addition, integration has to occur at three levels:
áááááá1. device integration
áááááá2. application integration
áááááá3. systems integration
¬ Fo≥ devicσ integration¼ sucΦ a≤ point-of-salσ terminal≤ anΣ scale≤ (iµ ì
ááááááyo⌡ arσ iε ß grocer∙ environment)¼ H╨ work≤ ver∙ closel∙ witΦ ß variet∙ ì
ááááááof third-party application developers to provide integration solutions.
¬ Integratioε need≤ t∩ bσ addresseΣ botΦ a⌠ thσ enterprise-widσ leve∞ anΣ ì
ááááááa⌠ thσ storσ level¼ adherinτ iε somσ case≤ t∩ dσ fact∩ standard≤ anΣ iε ì
ááááááothers to industry standards such as LAN Manager/X.
¬ Man∙ retailer≤ toda∙ lacδ thσ resource≤ internall∙ t∩ builΣ thσ necessar∙ ì
ááááááintegration« H╨ offer≤ no⌠ jus⌠ thσ produc⌠ tools¼ bu⌠ thσ service≤ a≤ ì
ááááááwell« H╨ iε partnershi≡ witΦ companie≤ likσ Anderseε Consulting¼ ì
áááááádeliver≤ witΦ thesσ typσ oµ tool≤ anΣ capabilitie≤ thσ tota∞ integratioε ì
ááááááthat is desired for a store integration project.
HP OpenSTORE; Integration Layer
* To describe typical integration concerns
Key Points:
¬ Application≤ arσ processeΣ oε an∙ onσ oµ │ platforms║ server¼ ì
ááááááworkstation¼ o≥ point-of-salσ terminal« ì
¬ Application≤ neeΣ t∩ bσ integrateΣ b∙ sharinτ commoε se⌠ oµ item¼ ì
ááááááemployee, consumer, and financial databases.
Recommended Script:
Iµ yo⌡ arσ writinτ al∞ you≥ owε application≤ froφ scratcΦ internally¼ certainl∙ ì
tha⌠ i≤ achievable« Bu⌠ wha⌠ abou⌠ ß morσ typica∞ situation╗ par⌠ oµ you≥ ì
applicatioε i≤ beinτ createΣ internall∙ anΣ othe≥ part≤ oµ i⌠ arσ beinτ sourceΣ ì
froφ Vendo≥ A¼ froφ Vendo≥ B¼ froφ Vendo≥ C¼ eacΦ vendor'≤ produc⌠ containinτ ì
it≤ owε uniquσ se⌠ oµ files« Doe≤ i⌠ makσ sensσ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ writσ you≥ owε ì
labo≥ schedulinτ systeφ wheε s∩ man∙ arσ availablσ today┐ Probabl∙ not« Yo⌡ ì
arσ probabl∙ goinτ t∩ externall∙ sourcσ somethinτ likσ that« Ho≈ d∩ yo⌡ ì
integratσ tha⌠ witΦ othe≥ application≤ yo⌡ ma∙ havσ alread∙ developeΣ ì
Onσ wa∙ t∩ integratσ thesσ application≤ i≤ t∩ (painfully⌐ recreatσ al∞ thσ ì
underlyinτ filσ structure≤ s∩ tha⌠ onσ se⌠ i≤ shareΣ b∙ al∞ applications« Tha⌠ ì
woulΣ bσ ver∙ difficul⌠ anΣ costl∙ ¡ especiall∙ wheε yo⌡ havσ multiplσ sources« ì
Also¼ thσ suppor⌠ implication≤ froφ thosσ vendor≤ become≤ ß bi⌠ tenuou≤ wheε ì
you start to rewrite a port to those applications.
HP OpenSTORE; Integration Layer - HP Software Integration Sockets
¬ T∩ discus≤ ho≈ HP'≤ product¼ H╨ Sockets¼ solve≤ ß critica∞ integratioε ì
¬ I⌠ i≤ ver∙ importan⌠ tha⌠ yo⌡ understanΣ exactl∙ ho≈ thi≤ caε bσ done¼ ì
áááááásince this slide usually creates a lot of discussion.
Recommended Script:
Ho≈ d∩ yo⌡ solvσ tha⌠ integratioε problem┐ Onσ wa∙ i≤ witΦ H╨ Sockets« H╨ ì
Socket≤ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ avoiΣ thσ difficul⌠ anΣ costl∙ proces≤ oµ physicall∙ ì
recreatinτ filσ structures« Instead¼ softwarσ adapter≤ arσ addeΣ whicΦ ì
non-intrusivel∙ si⌠ oε to≡ oµ thσ applications« Thesσ adapter≤ providσ logica∞ ì
linkage≤ tha⌠ achievσ thσ samσ desireΣ integratioε withou⌠ havinτ t∩ physicall∙ ì
changσ anything« AnΣ sincσ Socket≤ i≤ non-intrusive¼ integratioε i≤ achieveΣ ì
witΦ fa≥ les≤ cost« Iε fac⌠ experiencσ ha≤ showε u≡ t∩ aε 8░ percen⌠ reductioε ì
iε integratioε effor⌠ anΣ cost¼ bu⌠ tha⌠ thσ softwarσ vendor≤ themselve≤ havσ ß ì
much easier time supporting their applications.
HP OpenSTORE; Architecture/Delivery Layer
¬ T∩ se⌠ thσ stagσ fo≥ thσ fina∞ laye≥ oµ H╨ OpenSTORE¼ thσ deliver∙ layer« ì
Key Points:
¬ Wheε yo⌡ havσ hundred≤ iµ no⌠ thousand≤ oµ stores¼ planninτ ß successfu∞ ì
ááááááimplementation is a tedious task.
¬ Ho≈ d∩ yo⌡ successfull∙ implemen⌠ thσ tota∞ solutioε oε sucΦ ß largσ ì
HP OpenSTORE; Delivery Layer Migration Path
* To describe the importance of migration and porting tools
¬ Bσ ablσ t∩ discus≤ thi≤ iε simple≥ languagσ iµ presentatioε i≤ t∩ ß ì
áááááánon-technical audience.
Key Points/Recommended Script:
Iµ yo⌡ havσ application≤ tha⌠ exis⌠ toda∙ eithe≥ iε ß DO╙ environmen⌠ o≥ ß ì
proprietar∙ environment¼ thσ firs⌠ thinτ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ addres≤ i≤ ho≈ d∩ yo⌡ g∩ ì
froφ wha⌠ you'vσ go⌠ iε thσ storσ toda∙ t∩ bringinτ al∞ thesσ ne≈ opeε system≤ ì
int∩ you≥ environment« It'≤ no⌠ eas∙ t∩ d∩ sincσ you'rσ no⌠ dealinτ witΦ opeε ì
systems to start with.
¬ Man∙ retailer≤ toda∙ havσ IB═ Series/▒ computer≤ installeΣ iε thei≥ ì
áááááástores╗ ß ver∙ proprietar∙ environment« Mos⌠ oµ thosσ system≤ (no⌠ al∞ ì
áááááábu⌠ most⌐ arσ iε aε ED╠ codσ s∩ no⌠ onl∙ i≤ thσ environmen⌠ proprietar∙ ì
áááááábu⌠ thσ languagσ itselµ i≤ proprietary« Yo⌡ won'⌠ finΣ ED╠ codσ oε an∙ ì
ááááááother system in IBM's computing family, much less another vendors.
áááááᬠH╨ ha≤ thσ abilit∙ t∩ takσ ED╠ codσ anΣ actuall∙ por⌠ i⌠ anΣ cros≤ ì
ááááááááácompile it into ANSI standard C under the UNIX environment.
¬ Man∙ othe≥ proprietar∙ environment≤ caε bσ migrateΣ ove≥ a≤ well« Iε thσ ì
ááááááDO╙ worlΣ yo⌡ caε d∩ that¼ eithe≥ througΦ emulatioε o≥ througΦ compatiblσ ì
áááááácompilers. (Note: Be able to discuss these other solutions.)
¬ Thσ H╨ OpenSTOR┼ architecturσ als∩ addresse≤ thσ future¼ becausσ a≤ ì
ááááááworkstation≤ arσ implementeΣ witΦ certaiε custome≥ service-orienteΣ ì
ááááááapplications, client/server computing becomes a reality.
HP OpenSTORE; Merging Centers
* To demonstrate HP's ability to deliver a complete solution
¬ Bσ surσ t∩ notσ location≤ oµ merginτ center≤ iε you≥ regioε (onσ locateΣ ì
ááááááin Dallas).
Key Points:
* HP has the capability to deliver a total solution:
¬ Integration¼ configuration¼ anΣ system≤ analysi≤ takσ placσ a⌠ thσ ì
áááááámerging center before delivery to the customer.
HP OpenSTORE; Delivery Layer - Implementation Partnership
* Partnership and commitment are needed for successful implementation.
Key Points:
¬ ┴ successfu∞ implementatioε involve≤ teaφ work¼ no⌠ jus⌠ witΦ thσ ì
áááááácompute≥ vendor≤ involved¼ bu⌠ als∩ witΦ thσ softwarσ vendor≤ anΣ system≤ ì
¬ HP'≤ approacΦ t∩ implementatioε i≤ t∩ bσ activel∙ involveΣ iε managinτ ì
ááááááthese resources to ensure a highly coordinated effort.
HP OpenSTORE; Architecture
* To summarize HP OpenSTORE
¬ AdΣ an∙ curren⌠ "H╨ Corporatσ Slidesó tha⌠ yo⌡ thinδ arσ needed¼ fo≥ ì
ááááááexample, "#1 in UNIX, VAR business slides, DataPro, etc.
Key Points/Recommended Script:
╔ hopσ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ clea≥ froφ thi≤ examinatioε oµ H╨ OpenSTOR┼ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ ì
sufficientl∙ comprehensivσ iε scopσ t∩ addres≤ thσ ke∙ busines≤ requirement≤ ì
outlineΣ earlier« BeyonΣ comprehensivenes≤ oµ scope¼ however¼ arσ thσ issue≤ ì
of depth and quality.
For further information, contact:
Margot Harrigan
Retail Industry Marketing
(T/408) 447-4902
HP in Retail; Wal-Mart
HP in Retail; Taco Bell/Division of Pepsico
HP in Retail; Home Depot
HP in Retail; The GAP Stores
HP in Retail; Camelot Music
HP in Retail; Strawbridge & Clothier